South African and Botswana passport holders will be required to obtain a visa before travelling to Ireland from Wednesday 9th July, the Irish Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee, has announced.
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Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: African Abuse of Visa Free Travel Force Ireland & UK To Implement Visa Requirement
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List of Patriotic Candidates for Irish Local Elections
Here is a list of all the patriotic or nationalist candidates for the upcoming local elections in Ireland. Remember not to give any transfer or preference votes to the mainstream parties, as that is how they sneak in every time on the umpteenth count. Only vote for who you actually want, and leave the rest..
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Should Medical Cannabis be used for Chronic Pain? –
This week a group of people protested in Dublin for the legalisation of medical cannabis.
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Video: The Irish Times Backs Criminal Antifa Who Attacked Police Outside The Dail! The 3 Left Wing Extremists Were Arrested Trying To Disrupt #FreeSpeech Rally
#GE2020 Whilst Ireland is in the midst of a General Election, The Irish Times in Ireland have once again clearly demonstrated how mainstream media issues fake news! Scenes at the Free Speech demo in Dublin as pro-censorship globalists instigate violence against Irish Nationalists and Gardaí. Reports that they were targeting female Gardaí specifically.
As can be seen in the video, the three masked black uniformed Antifa “stormtroopers”, there on behalf of the far left People Before Profit (PBP) party, attacked the peaceful protesters without reason, the Gardai sprang to defend the free speech protesters from further harm, upon which one of the Antifa “stasi” broke off the leg of a photographer’s tripod and used it to hit an advancing Garda in the jaw and felled him.
Other Gardai ran and arrested him and handcuffed him on the ground. That is exactly what happened as you can see from video and photos and not the lies the Irish Times is telling on
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Dear Europe, Rainbow Nations Become Sh*tholes and Unicorns Get Aids – Look to South Africa for your future…
The protests outside Google’s European Headquarters in Dublin continued this weekend, with the left with their mainstream media tag alongs finally taking notice after 4 weeks. As expected, they came out with their vitriol, noise and usual disrupt, deny and destroy…
There are tonnes of video and other evidence out there cataloging and enumerating the disastrous decline of South Africa since it “liberalised”, threw open its doors to the world and became a “Rainbow Nation”.
Even the leader of the official Opposition Party Julius Malema said it was better under apartheid…
South Africa, the modern day sh*thole is what happens when the populace discover the Left has been deceiving them for decades, leading them on with empty platitudes, false virtue and empty promises… instead they got 56 murders every day! The same amount of murders every year as the ENTIRE Apartheid period (40 years). 70% of the SA Army have AIDS / HIV!
Dublin in a decade or less? When vote
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Sh*tstorm Coming Youtube’s Way! Every Youtuber MUST Watch. Why You Should Join The European Protest Against Youtube / Google Censorship!
#SpeakersUnicorner There have been protests outside Google’s European headquarters in Dublin over the last two weeks after Google summarily deleted a well known Irish Journalists Youtube channel with over 20,000 Subscribers. Strangely though, a variety of left wing groups including the MEP, Ming Flanagan, have called for counter protests against these Protestors in support of Google! Whilst their support of censorship is nothing new, the left are actually supporting Multinational Capitalism and monopolistic practices. In Germany, Youtube has been given a deadline of 23 August (12 Days now) to respond to demands that it comes to the table and treats its youtubers as partners and NOT as “False self employed” – a phrase which should send shivers down Youtube management’s spines… also, to treat Youtuber’s data according to GPDR regulations, something which could cost Google / Youtube BILLIONS in fines!
There has been a small uprising growing in Europe about Google / Youtube ill
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Bangladeshi Teacher in Dublin Uses “Islamic Education” as Excuse to Molest 6 Year Old Girl!
A Bangladeshi Teacher in Dublin has used “Islamic Education” as an excuse to molest a 6 year old girl! Educate yourself on Islam or be a victim!
Where are the feminists? The Bangladeshi national, a Muslim teacher in a Dublin mosque had displayed an “unhealthy interest” in the six year old girl which he went on to molest, has received a partially suspended sentence.
Abdur Rashid (50) was convicted last January by a jury at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court of sexual assault at the mosque on a date in December 2015.
The former Leitrim resident previously lived in Carrick-on-Shannon, later of Blessington Court, Dublin where he worked as a chef, had denied the charge.
The child’s mother was picking her up from the school when she noticed something was wrong. The child told her mother her teacher had touched her genital area.
The woman confronted Rashid immediately and he indicated he had been teaching the girl “wudu”, an Islamic ritual procedure for washing
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Unless We Discriminate Against ALL Criminals, Rapists and Murderers, Our Society is Dead.
The Irish EU Regime (FG/FF/SF) is Raping Irish Society With African and Asian Migrants Whilst Virtue Signalling Extreme Marxism…
The Police are incapable, unequipped and too scared of dealing with African Gangs in North Dublin. All are too scared of being labelled as a racist even if it has nothing to do with racism.
While the Irish EU regime (FG/FF/SF) have been closing police stations and importing dangerous third worlders hand over fist, before the deadline for them to be eligible to vote next year, forcibly inserting them directly into our communities. That is Rape.
Dublin is now Africa…
Meanwhile the Irish EU regime (FG/FF/SF) is too busy to deal with the problems their virtue signalling has created. They are busy sucking up to every and all diversion and perversion that you can think up…
Maybe we should home the African and Asian Migrants and LGBTxyz together? Both are pet projects
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“Islam’s Shame is Greater Than The Love For Their Own Daughters” – West Blindly Virtue Signalling Their Own Suicide
You have to be willingly blind to not see the total incompatibility between Islam and our Western Way of Life, or otherwise you are deliberately trying to destroy our way of life… which makes you a traitor.
Tonight on Gruesome Tuesday Allastriona cites examples of brutal horrendous cases of sex slavery, forced marriages, honour killings etc. where Muslim men own the virginity of their daughters, and can and do sell it. Where they kill their own daughters or sisters for becoming “too Westernised”.
Many Islamic women have safe houses in UK to protect them from Islam and its men and even from the entire Islamic community which will alert the family looking for them. Some have to be moved to another country or City like Dublin…
The entire political establishment, biased media and left wing apologists are dead quiet about Islam and quietly allowing it to go ahead…
Wake up and
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EU Rent Boy Leo, and The Irish Political Class Useful Idiots, Puffed Up With EU Bravado, Are Destroying Ireland
Shortsighted EU Rent Boy Leo Varadkar and the entire political establishment in Ireland is Puffed Up with false EU Bravado which will cost Ireland greatly in the coming years, while Sinn Fein even betrays their Republican Base.
Republican Sinn Fein has made a 180 degree turn and become EU Unionists pushing the marxist anti society agenda…
Leo Varadkar is not fit to be Prime Minister – his only task and interest is to deliver Ireland completely and finally to the EU and also play strawman for EU’s fight with UK so they can keep the NI border open to continue smuggling illegals into UK…
His partner in crime, Bono does not pay tax, owns multiple mansions in many countries, yet tells poor Irish to give up their country to 3rd worlders… How many migrants does Bono house?
As Merkel starts her exit, Macron who has been primed to take over lead in EU is having problems of his own. When the
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Your Red Pill: EU Nazis ARE taking our countries now! Share this with any EU Apologist!
EU NAZIS ARE TAKING YOUR COUNTRY! EU Occupation Regime Openly Attacks Sovereignty and Destroy Nation States!
BRexit is the Dublin agreement all over again.
See the EU globalists openly admitting Imperialism and Supremacy, with Fianna Fáil’s Micheál Martin even declaring in the Dail that sovereignty and the nation state “is a backward thinking idea”.
In the EU parliament Guy Verhoffstad aggressively demanded that sovereignty must be handed over to the EU and even blamed the problems in Europe on the fact that nations have not handed over power fast enough!
The Dublin Agreement was just step in the greater conquest. It was a blind and has not actually been implemented – they say what people want to hear but do the exact opposite.
They said they would never setup an Army, That is exactly what they are doing with PESCO
No area was supposed to be allowed more than 7% of non-indigenous population – that is long gone…
There is so much lip service pa
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Irish National Animal Rights Association Too Scared of Being Called Racist To Protest Against Zimbabwe For Exporting Baby Elephants To World’s Biggest Animal Rights Abuser, China
Supporters of South Africa Fight For Rhino are outraged against the National Animal Rights Association in Dublin that cites racism when asked for assistance in peaceful protest. While the world is up in arms and everybody stands together in the fight against the Zimbabwean export of baby elephants to China, NARA in Dublin stands back.
This outrage against the export of baby elephants come after the release of video footage from animal activists in Zimbabwe. Filmed were 35 stressed baby elephants that were forcibly taken from their herds. If successful, they will be kept in zoos in the world’s biggest animal rights abuser, China.
The animals appear ‘wide-eyed’, defensive, and show obvious signs of stress in the footage, according to campaign group Human Soci
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Gangs described as “black teenagers” who are ‘terrorising’ West Dublin and targeting taxis are being ‘left to run amok’ by Police!
We can reveal that gardaí in Blanchardstown have built a profile on the leading figures of the gang and have photographs of “dozens” of youths, described as being black teenagers, all of whom they understand to have close ties with one another.
YOB FEARS Schoolboy gangs who are ‘terrorising’ west Dublin locals and targeting taxi drivers being ‘left to run amok’ by gardai.
The teenage thugs, who are moving through Blanchardstown and out to north county Dublin, have been behind a number of vicious assaults, robberies and even threats on the lives of gardai in recent months.
The fearless yobs are “arrested every week” for violent incidents such as assault causing harm, possession of offensive weapons, violent disorder and criminal damage, according to sources.
And politicians in the areas say gardai risk setting off “a mini riot” every time they decide to put their foot down and arrest one of the youths.
Last week two leading members of
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Irish are Foreigners in THEIR Own Country as European Children are Sacrificed on the Altar of Islamo-Globalism!
Irish are feeling like foreigners in THEIR Own Country! Sacrificing our Children on the Altar of Islamo-Globalism. Irish are also seen as minority, easy to oppress and they feel like foreigners in Ireland! Allastriona takes a quick look at True Irish History and some of the weeks News…
Europeans are now sacrificing their young on the altar of islamo-globalism due to fear of racism accusations…
Mainstream Media are a propaganda chamber to manufacture this consent and the political parties have been infiltrated and corrupted and hijacked by islamo-globalists
[embed][/embed]The separation of church and state is being done for subversive reasons to remove any moral code and values…
They are trying to destroy the middle class to create a low wage society which they can control. Their control of the media allows them to control the thoughts of people. For instance there has been no mention of the Global Migration Pact in th
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A Convicted Thief and Failed Asylum Seeker From Guinea, with a deportation order, jailed for Jumping on Bonnet of Patrol Car in Limerick City
A GUINEAN national was sentenced to one months’ imprisonment for his role in a bizarre incident during which a garda car was damaged.
Ousmane Baah, aged 29, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to a criminal damage charge relating to an incident which happened at O’Connell Street on December 31, 2017.
Inspector Dermot O’Connor told Limerick District Court, Mr Baah, had ‘jumped’ onto the bonnet of an unmarked patrol car while it was stopped at traffic lights.
The bonnet, he said, was dented and around €250 worth of damage caused to the vehicle.
The defendant, who received a three month prison earlier this month for a theft offence in Dublin, also admitted stealing a bottle of Huge Boss perfume, worth €79, from Debenhams, O’Connell Street on February 16, last.
Solicitor Sarah Ryan said her client, who has more than 60 previous convictions, was not in a position to pay compensation given his circumstances.
Mr Baah, who has lived in Ireland f
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