Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: African Abuse of Visa Free Travel Force Ireland & UK To Implement Visa Requirement

List of Patriotic Candidates for Irish Local Elections

Should Medical Cannabis be used for Chronic Pain? – iTV.ie

Video: The Irish Times Backs Criminal Antifa Who Attacked Police Outside The Dail! The 3 Left Wing Extremists Were Arrested Trying To Disrupt #FreeSpeech Rally

Dear Europe, Rainbow Nations Become Sh*tholes and Unicorns Get Aids – Look to South Africa for your future…

Sh*tstorm Coming Youtube’s Way! Every Youtuber MUST Watch. Why You Should Join The European Protest Against Youtube / Google Censorship!

Bangladeshi Teacher in Dublin Uses “Islamic Education” as Excuse to Molest 6 Year Old Girl!

Unless We Discriminate Against ALL Criminals, Rapists and Murderers, Our Society is Dead.

“Islam’s Shame is Greater Than The Love For Their Own Daughters” – West Blindly Virtue Signalling Their Own Suicide

EU Rent Boy Leo, and The Irish Political Class Useful Idiots, Puffed Up With EU Bravado, Are Destroying Ireland

Your Red Pill: EU Nazis ARE taking our countries now! Share this with any EU Apologist!

Irish National Animal Rights Association Too Scared of Being Called Racist To Protest Against Zimbabwe For Exporting Baby Elephants To World’s Biggest Animal Rights Abuser, China

Gangs described as “black teenagers” who are ‘terrorising’ West Dublin and targeting taxis are being ‘left to run amok’ by Police!

Irish are Foreigners in THEIR Own Country as European Children are Sacrificed on the Altar of Islamo-Globalism!

A Convicted Thief and Failed Asylum Seeker From Guinea, with a deportation order, jailed for Jumping on Bonnet of Patrol Car in Limerick City