Video: The Southern Oceans Are Getting Greener and Cooler, Proving “Global Warming” Alarmists WRONG, Again

Time for #Irexit and #IrelandFirst because Collapsing EU has no Plan B – Leo Varadkar is on The Wrong Side of History

Agri SA Will Not Join Protest March To Union Buildings On Saturday

The World Reacts To South Africa’s #BlackMonday

Since 1994 there has been over 400 000 people murdered in South Africa, our so called Rainbow Nation !!!

Imminent, Unstoppable South African Genocide – Why Dismantling Apartheid caused the Genocide of Black and White South Africans

Duplicitous UK Gov ignored Mugabe atrocities in Zimbabwe for “fear of a mass white exodus” and to protect business interests.

64-year-old farmer stabbed, set alight in the Bulwer/Underberg area of KwaZulu-Natal

Three suspects arrested for farm murders

White people who own land in SA – bought it or negotiated for it !!

From Polokwane To Junk Status: The Rapid Radical Goose-Step To The Left