See The Pattern Yet? Yet Another Afghan Fakugee Attacks German Teen Girl, Drags Her By Her Hair Off Bus!

Salvini Goes On The Offensive For May Elections: French “Can Do Better Than Terrible Macron”

Anti-Democratic Globalists in Sweden Form Government Ignoring Large Patriotic Vote

After EU Land Grab Attempt of Northern Ireland, “Troubles” Used As Fear Porn in Anti BRexit Propaganda

Six Illegal Aliens Hold Belgian Women as Sex Slave for Two Months in Italy!

#ProfitsWithoutMorals German Arms Manufacturer and Shareholders Want To Sue Germany For Halting Arms Sales To Saudi Arabia

Yet another Yellow Vest Organiser Jailed For Simply Attempting to Organise Protest in France!

Mass Immigration Holds Down Wages – Still Wonder Why Corporations Fund The Left So Much?

United Nations of Harassment? 1-in-3 UN employees sexually harassed

300% Increase in Migrants To Greece! Turkey Deliberately Negligent on Border with Greece.l

“White People Shouldn’t Breed” Racist Asian spared jail after he spat in a nine-month-old baby’s face!

Left Wing Militancy and Secrecy in Asylum System Enables Nigerian Gangs To Traffic Children Into Ireland For Sex!

Politically Over Correct Establishment Strips Nobel Scientist Who Reconfirms Connection Between Race and IQ, But Have No Proof Themselves

Far Left Fascists Admit Vicious Attack on German Parliamentarian, AfD’s Magnitz, Only Days After AfD Office Was Bombed

European Spring Cometh! European Game of Thrones To End Continental German-French EU Supremacy As Salvini Builds Populist Allies