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Will Taxing Couples Who Choose Not to Have Kids Be an Answer To Europe’s Demographic and Pension Time Bomb?
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German Nurse’s Warning to The West: Migrants are aggressive, spoilt, unemployable and bring diseases. Where are Refugees Welcome Activists Now?
A nurse in Germany has sent out a warning to the West after her experiences at the hands of migrants and refugees who flooded Germany when Merkel invited them all in. “At the hospital, we had a meeting about how the situation here and at the other Munich hospitals are unsustainable.“
Clinics cannot handle the number of migrant medical emergencies, so they are starting to send everything to the main hospitals.
Many Muslims are refusing treatment by female staff, and we women nurses are now refusing to go among those migrants!
Relations between the staff and migrants are going from bad to worse. Since last weekend, migrants going to the hospitals must be accompanied by police with K-9 units.
Many migrants come to Germany because they have AIDS, syphilis, open TB and many exotic diseases that we in Europe do not normally treat on such a scale. If they receive a prescrip
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Ready for the Red Pill? – Musician in Dublin Discovers Globalism is Not So Groovy After All With Sky High Rents
“I can’t afford to live in my hometown any more. I don’t want to go” says Dublin-based musician David Kitt who took to social media to reveal his sadness at having to leave his beloved hometown because of high rent prices.
The 43-year-old, who ironically, or possibly tellingly, is the son of former Fianna Fáil minister Tom Kitt, spoke of how spiraling rent costs and Fine Gael’s housing policy is “failing this city and its people massively“.
While this might come as a surprise or disappointment for someone in the entertainment industry, where they are prone to worship globalism and liberalism, it comes as no surprise to those amongst us who are already Red Pilled. Maybe it will start dawning on them that “no borders” is a trojan horse – it might be groovy and luvly to hop across to the Mainland with just a credit card an passport in your shirt pocket, but who is hopping over into your home, and why?
Tom revealed
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Supremacist MultiNational Corporations Are Worth More Than Most Countries But Have No Loyalty or Accountability to Citizens
Many large Multinational Corporations have more money than entire countries with annual revenues so colossal, that they dwarf the economies of many big countries across the globe. However, the world’s most profitable and successful businesses do not always have stellar reputations or loyalties, yet people dream of working for them and worship them and their mass produced products…
Experts say rampant globalization is largely responsible for companies being able to conquer new markets and grow to such imperialist sizes, and to use this muscle and power to attack new markets / countries. However, bigger does not always mean better. They use their muscle to take over management or even ownership of the resources of entire countries. Many multinational corporations, including those from the list below, have generated negative headlines and are among the most hated but needed. This art of making themselves indispensable and untouchable
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Karl Lagerfeld Labels Mad Merkel Anti Semitic for Importing Millions of Anti Semitic Muslims, decades after the Holocaust, into Germany!
As only a famous Fashion Icon can, Karl Lagerfeld recently spoke the harsh truth about Merkel’s genocide, with style. If he had said this on German TV in German, the German cucks would certainly lock him up or even kill him. Many have been locked up for less…
In an interview on C8 TV, he pointed out that Angela Merkel invited over a million muslim people into Germany that hate the Jews, and yet at the same time she and the Germans are ashamed of what Germany did to the Jews decades ago? He exposed this stark contradiction that goes direct to her psyche and questions the motivation behind Mad Merkel’s genocidal act… total madness.
Karl goes on to explain how a German friend dutifully took in a “young” Syrian as the government had requested. After four days this “young” Syrian told her the best German invention ever was the holocaust. Certainly even those who question whether the holocaust was an “invention” would be shocked by this statement!
Did she do it
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Czech Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself: Lessons from the V4 (and Beyond)
As Rav Ashi was walking abroad one day he saw some grapes growing in a roadside vineyard, and sent his servant to see whom they belonged to. “If they belong to a Gentile,” he said, “bring some here to me, but if they belong to an Israelite, do not meddle with them.” (Bava Kama, Fol. 113,..
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