Israel Sets Leading Example in Defending True Diversity by Deporting Illegal African Migrants or Jailing Them

#GapNews: Mainstream Lies About Twice Deported Illegal Immigrant, Drunk, Illegal Driver with False ID Who Killed Colts Linebacker in Hit and Run!

IRexit means IRexit! Farage, in Dublin to uncuck the sleeping Irish, claims there is public appetite for IRexit

Should Brexiteers be forced to pay Licence Fees to Traitorous BBC who Support EU Conquest of Britain

Should #TraitorMay Stand Down Before the Almost Certainly Disastrous Local Elections in May? Rees-Mogg Stage Right…

The UK Swamp: “Brits Viewed as a Threat by Their Globalist Government who Deliberately Keep Activities Secret from Them”!

#IREXIT – After Centuries of Occupation, Ireland Should be Free to Prosper and Live out it’s True Potential.

World Supremacist George Soros Funding and Colluding with Treasonous Amnesty International to Break Irish Law in Abortion Referendum

War in Syria is OVER! Syria needs the refugees and migrants to go home to rebuild their country! Video:

What’s Wrong with Brits? Too Lazy? Too Stupid? Too White? UK Gov to import and train 5,500 Nurses from India and Africa!

Feeling Stupid Yet Germany? 43% of Underage Migrants in Germany were NOT Underage! Are Migrants Coached on European Weaknesses?

Indian Slavetrade, Conquest or Imperialism? India blackmails UK demanding UK accept more Indian migrants or lose post BRexit trade deal!

Had our Grandparents selfishly deserted their country to go claim Asylum, we would all be speaking German!

Merkel blamed for creating first “right wing” party to enter Bundestag since WWII, while Schulz falls on his sword to prevent (AfD) being official opposition!

Global Warming Scientists Admit Their Lie and CUT their predictions in half! Climate change has changed, again!