1,000,000 British Children Raped by Muslim Men! This is Institutional Ethnic Cleansing because it is ONLY muslims doing it to ONLY white children!

Will Trump’s visit to Poland split EU in two? 400 Year Old Eastern European Union (Intermarium) versus 40 Year Old Western European Union

Still no government in Netherlands, but does Occupied Netherlands even need a government under EU rule?

Democracy Died in The Netherlands – STILL No Government yet 2nd largest party is slandered and shut out! New Elections?

Imminent, Unstoppable South African Genocide – Why Dismantling Apartheid caused the Genocide of Black and White South Africans

Duplicitous UK Gov ignored Mugabe atrocities in Zimbabwe for “fear of a mass white exodus” and to protect business interests.

Slanderers and Usurers steal French Election. Will FN name change be enough, or is Patriotism just an English thing?

Deny White Men The Right To Vote Then Steal Their Assets – Huffington Post

They Said It Couldn’t Be Done…And Now…?

One of the 5 Biggest Threats to Humanity has Died, so why is Mainstream Media not cheering but rather commiserating?

Emboldened after Dutch Elections, Turkey Declares Racewar on EU, threatening flood of migrants, urging Turks to Breed in Europe!

Coerced Political Correctness Wins Dutch Election, Scatters Castigated Voters in All PC Directions

Dutch Voters ARE Scared! “What use is a good economy if your country becomes an Islamic State?”

#PatriotSpring – Geert Wilders exposes Fascist Left BBC Libtard with logic, reason and common sense.

Fake News Mainstream Media Don’t Know They ARE Dead! 24/7 Incessant Anti-Trump Drumbeat Holds People Hostage