Video: Italy Finally Awakes and RedPills as They Realise: FOR EUROPE TO LIVE, EU MUST DIE! #EUisNotEurope

Foreign Funds Manipulated Ireland into Voting for Gay Marriage and Are Now Paying to Repeal the 8th!

Viva Italia! Viva ItalExit! Patriotic Parties Surge in Italy, as Fascist Left Faces Defeat – Exit Polls

French Meddling in UK Elections! Macron’s En Marche Party Helps Launch New Anti-BRexit Political Party in UK!

IRexit means IRexit! Farage, in Dublin to uncuck the sleeping Irish, claims there is public appetite for IRexit

Should #TraitorMay Stand Down Before the Almost Certainly Disastrous Local Elections in May? Rees-Mogg Stage Right…

Uncucking UKIP – A Bridge Too Far for Nigel Farage as he Contemplates Setting up Another UK Party…

#IREXIT – After Centuries of Occupation, Ireland Should be Free to Prosper and Live out it’s True Potential.

Putin brings hope of long term peace to Syria – can the refugees go back home now to rebuild their country?

Has Merkel become Toxic? No one wants “One Size Fits All” #VanillaPolitics. Undemocratic EU continues to crash!

Anti-Immigration “Czech Trump” Wins Elections With Major Victory

Merkel blamed for creating first “right wing” party to enter Bundestag since WWII, while Schulz falls on his sword to prevent (AfD) being official opposition!

We have the ‘right to be proud’ of soldiers in both world wars and should stop apologizing – German AFD politician

Falling BRICS endanger their citizens’ health, starting with Jacob Zuma.

No confidence vote: A victory for Zuma, but a defeat for the ANC