Criminal Asylum Seekers Raid Millions from German Treasury with up to 12 Fake ID’s per invader

NGO “Rescue” ship dispatched 12 hours BEFORE migrant boat leaves Libya! Secret Invasion of Europe Exposed on GPS!

Italy Votes NO to EU Supremacy! Austria sadly falls to Mass Media & Establishment Brainwashing, Blackmail & Fake News

Abolish UN Human Rights Council Now! UNHCR is a Dictator’s Club with a God Complex

Deportation, Deportation Deportation! Merkel does a 180 U-Turn! Can you trust a traitor that doesn’t say sorry?

Unelected EU Supremacists vote to use Taxpayers Money to Brainwash EU Citizens with “Fake News”

Time for Alt-Media and Alt-Academia? “Out of Africa” Debunked as 1.2 Million Year old HUMAN jaw bone found in Europe

ITExit: Why Italians MUST vote NO to EU Supremacy and NO to Establishment in their referendum. Don’t be fooled!

Trump and BRexit leaves World Supremacists Obama, Merkel, Hollande and EU panicking on the wrong side of History

#MerkelMustHang Syrian migrant with 4 wives and 23 kids gets 360,000 Euros Benefits from German Taxpayers!

The Final Solution Fix is in: Migrant invasion IS deliberate! Democracy is a scam and you have NO choice unless you rise up!

Will Germany Survive DELIBERATE Invasion from World Supremacist Dictators Using Muslims as Cannon Fodder?

Illegal Migrants Cash In. Western Governments are Enticing, Grooming and Kidnapping People from Poorer Countries!

Genocidal Hypocrite Much? Europe has been White 3 times longer than Israel has existed, yet only Israel has a right to Ethnic Nationalism?

World Supremacist George Soros is betting $500 Million that White People are the Stupidest People on Earth!