Patriotic Salvini Wants To Reduce Central Bank To Zero and Banksters Should “end up in prison for a long time.”

Women With Four or More Kids Exempted From Tax For Life – Hungary Secures Its Future!

Will Massive Natural Gas Discovery In South Africa Prompt US Intervention In ANC Racism, Despotism and Corruption? Hopefully.

Fatal Knife Attacks Highest Ever Recorded In England – Two Thirds Of Victims Are White, But Deathly Silence on Ethnicity of Killers!

German Socialists Should Remember 69 Years Ago Today The Oppressive Stasi Security Service Was launched To Monitor Its Own Citizens

Blatant Racism Against “White Monkeys” in China! Whites Paraded in “Monkey Shows” Because Their Skin is White!

A Week of “Hell” in EU – Juncker’s Job is Hell and Tusk Damns Brexiteers to Hell!

Traitors Not Wanted Back: Kurdish Authorities In Syria Hold Thousands of Foreign ISIS Fighters, Their Wives and Children

Yellow Vests in France Protest Police Violence As 60 Lawyers Denounce The Violence Against Protesters

Irish Minister Wants To Dock Striking Nurses Pay, Yet There Is No Limit On Spending For Migrants and Foreign Aid!

Lost Eyes & Hands Blown Off – French Regime Viciously Suppresses Yellow Vest Protests!

Salvini Threatens To Sue Fake Rescue NGOs For Not Going To Nearest Safe Port!

Hate Speech of The Year? “Don’t you have a famine to go die in?” Black American (c)Rapper in anti Irish racism. #BlackPrivilege

Gangs described as “black teenagers” who are ‘terrorising’ West Dublin and targeting taxis are being ‘left to run amok’ by Police!

Globalist Traitors Merkel and Macron Sign treaty To Start Merging Germany and France Into One Country!