Death Penalty for Human Traffickers? Especially Treasonous ones that smuggle foreigners into their own country?

“Refugees” Shoot at Libyan Navy Rescue Boat! Three Cheers to Libyan Navy who Protect Europe unlike the EU!

“Normal” for Supremacist Mark Rutte: Totalitarianism, Rape, Genocide, Assimilation, Treason, Open Borders, Mass Migration, Islamization, Lies and Deceit?

Europe is a Dead Man Walking – Thousands of FAILED asylum seekers still on benefits in Vienna. Altruism hides Cowardice

EU Slayer 2017 – Will Netherlands, France or Germany Save Europe from the Supremacist Genocidal EU? #EUslayer

Modern SLAVERY & Colonisation – Millions of Able Bodied African Men Groomed & Kidnapped Off African Coast

Italian Coastguard Kidnaps 800 more Africans in cahoots with NGOs and Human Traffickers.

Criminal Asylum Seekers Raid Millions from German Treasury with up to 12 Fake ID’s per invader

Traitorous Obama Rushes Through Migrant Arrivals ahead of Trump Inauguration

NGO “Rescue” ship dispatched 12 hours BEFORE migrant boat leaves Libya! Secret Invasion of Europe Exposed on GPS!

Dutch Liberal Traitors Make Meme Come True! Dutch Informer Agency Against Internet Hate Speech Exposed

Somali Refugee Attacker in Ohio said “I’m Muslim, it’s not what media portrays me to be” then did just that!

Deportation, Deportation Deportation! Merkel does a 180 U-Turn! Can you trust a traitor that doesn’t say sorry?

Yes! Genocidal Miscegenist Sarkozy eliminated in 1st round of French cuckservative presidential primaries

The Final Solution Fix is in: Migrant invasion IS deliberate! Democracy is a scam and you have NO choice unless you rise up!