European Leaders and MSM Must Hang! Proof Refugee Crisis is a Sham to Pillage and Destroy Europe.

EU (not Europe) becomes a liability to USA as Dutch lose easy access to US passport control in Amsterdam

Death Penalty for Human Traffickers? Especially Treasonous ones that smuggle foreigners into their own country?

“Refugees” Shoot at Libyan Navy Rescue Boat! Three Cheers to Libyan Navy who Protect Europe unlike the EU!

“Normal” for Supremacist Mark Rutte: Totalitarianism, Rape, Genocide, Assimilation, Treason, Open Borders, Mass Migration, Islamization, Lies and Deceit?

Can Trump Stop War? The NWO Establishment want WAR again, and like WWII, despite Hitler pleading for peace, the Allies wanted war.

EU Slayer 2017 – Will Netherlands, France or Germany Save Europe from the Supremacist Genocidal EU? #EUslayer

Modern SLAVERY & Colonisation – Millions of Able Bodied African Men Groomed & Kidnapped Off African Coast

Globalist Google Steals $3.6 Billion from poor and needy society by avoiding its tax duties