VIDEO: Trump Was Right! Again! Leo Varadkar & EU Do Want, and Will Put Up, A Hard Border Wall After BRexit!

Pro Establishment Irish Times, Keeping it’s Readers on the Wrong Side of History. Open Letter to Fintan O’Toole from Anthony Coughlan

Video: The Southern Oceans Are Getting Greener and Cooler, Proving “Global Warming” Alarmists WRONG, Again

Globalism is Cancer Feeding Off Our countries, Enabling Islam & Socialism to Enforce Totalitarianism

Abortion is NOT politics! Kids who were saved from abortion thank Donald Trump for pro-life policies with a letter campaign

BRexit Poker: UK Gov. Blinked and Folded To EU’s Bluff! Proof Theresa May’s Chequers Assurances Are Hollow Surrender

Comment worth noting: Many blind ‘conservatives’ in Minnesota

The Atlantic contributing editor, Peter Beinart, wants taxpayers to fund special cemeteries for Muslims