UK Will Have A Right Wing Government or Be an Islamic State. Muslim Birth Rates and LibLabCon Treason Favours The Latter!

SOUTH AFRICA: The Naked Hypocritical Curse Of The ‘Majority Rule’

A visitor to our Country, and already in trouble, may the Law take it’s course or not!

Time to wake up South Africa!! – Slow War against whites in South Africa

AfriForum To Lay Charges Against These 100 Social Media Users

“Stress is a ‘white man’s disease” comment got Zuma in hot water.

The Colonial Propaganda Firm Paid By The ANC To Racially Divide South Africa

Deny White Men The Right To Vote Then Steal Their Assets – Huffington Post

Enough is Enough: Stop White Genocide Now

They Said It Couldn’t Be Done…And Now…?

From Polokwane To Junk Status: The Rapid Radical Goose-Step To The Left

Murder For These White Farmers, 20 Times The International Average