Abolish UN Human Rights Council Now! UNHCR is a Dictator’s Club with a God Complex

Deportation, Deportation Deportation! Merkel does a 180 U-Turn! Can you trust a traitor that doesn’t say sorry?

Time for Alt-Media and Alt-Academia? “Out of Africa” Debunked as 1.2 Million Year old HUMAN jaw bone found in Europe

Yes! Genocidal Miscegenist Sarkozy eliminated in 1st round of French cuckservative presidential primaries

ITExit: Why Italians MUST vote NO to EU Supremacy and NO to Establishment in their referendum. Don’t be fooled!

Liberals and Democrats are the new Nazis! Yet another Trump supporting student beaten!

Trump and BRexit leaves World Supremacists Obama, Merkel, Hollande and EU panicking on the wrong side of History

Here is Why Trump Won! Liberal Mass Media Enable Violent Voter Intimidation and Must Be Held Accountable!

#MerkelMustHang Syrian migrant with 4 wives and 23 kids gets 360,000 Euros Benefits from German Taxpayers!

The Final Solution Fix is in: Migrant invasion IS deliberate! Democracy is a scam and you have NO choice unless you rise up!