Israel Sets Leading Example in Defending True Diversity by Deporting Illegal African Migrants or Jailing Them

‘We Do Not Give Colour To Crime, We Do Not Give Colour To Victims’

Open Letter To Lord Peter Hain: Belated ‘Appreciation’ From An Afrikaner

Yet more evidence that primates and humans emerged from Europe and NOT Africa discovered in Germany!

SOUTH AFRICA: The Naked Hypocritical Curse Of The ‘Majority Rule’

Eventually they woke up in the Netherlands – Now how about the rest of the world ?

Imminent, Unstoppable South African Genocide – Why Dismantling Apartheid caused the Genocide of Black and White South Africans

Lindiwe Sisulu’s court bid will help reverse effects of apartheid.

Deny White Men The Right To Vote Then Steal Their Assets – Huffington Post

Enough is Enough: Stop White Genocide Now

What Comes After The ANC? Revisiting Our Vision Of Tomorrow