The Republic of Ireland will soon see the launch of a new Eurosceptic party to be called the Irexit Freedom Party. It will be launched after a conference in Dublin on this September 8th at the Bonnington Hotel in Drumcondra, Dublin 9.
The new Party will headed by European Parliament veteran, Hermann Kelly, who is well qualified having served as Nigel Farage’s Chief Communications Director in Brussels for the past few years. Not only does he have the right contacts in that regard, but he has already attracted a following of determined Independence loving Irish patriots.
This will be the second conference for the Irexit movement in Ireland this year with the the first ‘Irexit Freedom to Prosper’ Conference having been held in February when “Mr. BRexit”, the former UKIP leader and popular MEP Nigel Farage, was one of the key note speakers. Hermann has also rubbed shoulders with the likes of Matteo Salvini, Viktor Orban, Vlaams Belang and other patriotic eurosce
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