Why Did World’s Biggest Superpower NOT sign UN Migration Pact? UN Using Migrants as Cannon Fodder

How Obedient Mainstream Media and Police Are Coerced Into Providing Propaganda Platform For Islam

Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia Declare War on Islam and its Trojan Horses, The UN and EU

French Leader, Moron, Commences Islamisation of France But Underestimates Islamic Supremacism 

Muslim Grooming Gangs Not Just For Rape! Naive People Groomed For Illicit Trafficking Businesses!

Post BRexit Freedom of Movement Between UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland?

EU and its Sock Puppet, Ireland, Use Lies and Hard Border Scare Tactics To Get UK To Abandon BRexit

Is Iran Europe’s Future? Islamo-Socialism Started The Deadly Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979!

Tommy Robinson Explodes on BBC Panorama Executives! To Reveal Undercover Footage Exposing Them

Patriotic Salvini Wants To Reduce Central Bank To Zero and Banksters Should “end up in prison for a long time.”

Women With Four or More Kids Exempted From Tax For Life – Hungary Secures Its Future!

Fatal Knife Attacks Highest Ever Recorded In England – Two Thirds Of Victims Are White, But Deathly Silence on Ethnicity of Killers!

German Socialists Should Remember 69 Years Ago Today The Oppressive Stasi Security Service Was launched To Monitor Its Own Citizens

A Week of “Hell” in EU – Juncker’s Job is Hell and Tusk Damns Brexiteers to Hell!

Traitors Not Wanted Back: Kurdish Authorities In Syria Hold Thousands of Foreign ISIS Fighters, Their Wives and Children