UN Pact Signed – Already UN Starts Dumping Hordes of “Programmed Migrants” to Ireland’s Heartlands

Evil Triumphed in Ireland Because Good People Did Nothing. 12 Week Abortion Limit is a Lie! 

French Leader, Moron, Commences Islamisation of France – Underestimates Islamic Supremacism

EU and its Sock Puppet, Ireland, Use Lies and Hard Border Scare Tactics To Get UK To Abandon BRexit

Your Silence Will Not Protect You! Traitors Selling Out Ireland Depend on Your Silence! 

Ireland Conquered by One Word! Treasonous Green Party Want 10 Million Migrants to Ireland!

The Choice Is Tough Yet Clear: Globalist Money and Genocide or Your Family, People and Country

#GetAngry Irish Regime Giving Migrants Privileged Status While Oppressing Real Irish!

The Choice Is Tough Yet Clear: Globalist Money and Genocide or Your Family, People and Country

Irish Can’t See The Emperor Has No Clothes! Public Groomed & Bullied to Give Ireland Away by Elites!

Christian Iranian Exiled in UK on BRexit, Islam, EU, UN Migration Pact and Globalism

How Obedient Mainstream Media and Police Are Coerced Into Providing Propaganda Platform For Islam

Muslim Grooming Gangs Not Just For Rape! Naive People Groomed For Illicit Trafficking Businesses!

Britain First’s Paul Golding on Banrion Show On Derry Bomb, BRexit, Jayda Fransen Leaving etc.