The West Are Also Islam’s Useful Idiots: Iranian Who Fled Iran Says UK Becoming As Bad As Iran!

Dragon’s Den Would Unanimously REJECT The European Union’s Business Model

EU Army is to Control and Fight Independence Minded Indigenous Europeans, Not Russia! 

Former Abortion Doctor DESTROYS ABORTION in 2 minutes – leaves audience stunned in tears!

Former Abortion Doctor DESTROYS ABORTION in 2 minutes – leaves audience stunned in tears!

UNplanned – A Journey from Planned Parenthood Facility Manager to Pro-Life Activist

Tommy Robinson Explodes on BBC Panorama Executives! To Reveal Undercover Footage Exposing Them

UK Owns Ireland’s Rosslare Europort, Which Bypasses UK and Connects Direct To Mainland Europe, Yet Anti BRexit Irish Government Spurns UK and Fails To Prepare Rosslare For No Deal BRexit

The Long Awaited Civil War Starts in Germany: Migrants versus Locals, globalists versus patriots. traitors versus “racist”

Far Left in Ireland in Panic Mode as Christian Conservative Filmmaker Lauren Southern Secretly Visits and Gathers Evidence…

Bacha Boys – The Gay Pederasty and Sex Slavery Practiced by Muslims in Afghanistan

Irish Children Are Second Class Citizens in Their Own Schools and in Their Own Country!

Banrion Show: How and Why We Must Stop Paying Tax and Stop Using Bank Cards!

Liberal media in both SA and USA are angry after Trump appoints former South African Lana Marks as US ambassador in Pretoria

Gotcha! Tommy Robinson Stings Sky News! Sky edits interview to create a lie and propaganda