#FARMATTACK:  Fifteen Year Old Girl Shot Seven Times On Farm – Driefontein

“We Will Meet These Afrikaners Toe-To-Toe – Malema Vows Counter-Protest At Next #BLACKMONDAY Gathering [VIDEO]

‘We Do Not Give Colour To Crime, We Do Not Give Colour To Victims’

#FARMMURDER:  Another Farmer Murdered In Fochville Area

#BlackMonday Another #FarmMurder Of An Elderly (70’s)Farmer In Gluckstadt, Community Exacts Its Justice

Black Community Members March Against Slaughter Of White Farmers

#FARMATTACK: Stabbed 20 Times. Plastic Bag Pulled Over His Head, Hand And Feet Bounded – Survives

SOUTH AFRICA: The Naked Hypocritical Curse Of The ‘Majority Rule’

A visitor to our Country, and already in trouble, may the Law take it’s course or not!

Time to wake up South Africa!! – Slow War against whites in South Africa

AfriForum To Lay Charges Against These 100 Social Media Users

Since 1994 there has been over 400 000 people murdered in South Africa, our so called Rainbow Nation !!!

Imminent, Unstoppable South African Genocide – Why Dismantling Apartheid caused the Genocide of Black and White South Africans

64-year-old farmer stabbed, set alight in the Bulwer/Underberg area of KwaZulu-Natal

Farm attack on West Rand – 71 year old man shot several times