Anti-immigration and Islamisation candidate wins Czech presidential election

Dutch politician calls Hungary’s Viktor Orban “a hero who really wants to stop mass immigration”

Czech Republic and Bulgaria don’t want refugees and oppose the EU’s migrant redistribution plans

Poland puts safety first and will not accept refugees or migrants

Poland and Czech Republic will not take migrants or accept EU migration policy

95 per cent of Hungarian Parliament votes against more migrants and “Soros plan”

Hungary’s FM: Migration is a very serious danger that needs to be stopped

War in Syria is OVER! Syria needs the refugees and migrants to go home to rebuild their country! Video:

Putin brings hope of long term peace to Syria – can the refugees go back home now to rebuild their country?

Had our Grandparents selfishly deserted their country to go claim Asylum, we would all be speaking German!

Merkel blamed for creating first “right wing” party to enter Bundestag since WWII, while Schulz falls on his sword to prevent (AfD) being official opposition!

We have the ‘right to be proud’ of soldiers in both world wars and should stop apologizing – German AFD politician

1,000,000 British Children Raped by Muslim Men! This is Institutional Ethnic Cleansing because it is ONLY muslims doing it to ONLY white children!

Bill Gates: “Stop being generous to refugees and make it difficult for them to reach Europe” #HelpThemBackHome

It’s True! A second Hitler’s plan to conquer all Europe is being enforced by the EU and UN! – The weapon is enforced racemixing by importing 159,000,000 migrants!