This week a group of people protested in Dublin for the legalisation of medical cannabis.
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Should Medical Cannabis be used for Chronic Pain? –
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Is Your Investment Portfolio Funding Communist Chinese Oppression? It likely undermines human rights in China!
Marion Smith is executive director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.
Does your retirement plan or investment portfolio undermine human rights in China? For millions of Americans, the answer is yes. They unwittingly hold or benefit from investments in companies that enable the Chinese Communist Party’s oppression and imprisonment of the Uighur people.
Consider two Chinese firms, Hikvision and Dahua Technology. They supply about one-third of the world’s security cameras, but in their home country, both companies have received government contracts — totaling more than $1 billion — to install a vast surveillance apparatus in the western province of Xinjiang. “The projects include not only security cameras but also video analytics hubs, intelligent monitoring systems, big data centers, police checkpoints, and even drones,” Charles Rollet wrote in June in Foreign Policy.
Beijing has deployed the system to try to control the predominantly M
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Deep State Raises Assange’s Martyrdom Up A Level As We The People Thank and Support Whistleblower Julian Assange!
Julian Assange is a pioneering whistleblower in the digital-age, speaking truth to power like no one before him managed on such a significant scale. As he sits in a London jail cell, here’s why we should be grateful for his work.
By setting up the international non-profit organization WikiLeaks in Iceland in 2006, Assange irrevocably shifted the balance of power in the online era.
From humble beginnings as a master coder and hacker, caught by Australian authorities in 1995 but escaping a prison term, to the foremost publisher of sensitive, embarrassing and potentially dangerous material for the world to see, Assange’s storied career as a publisher and whistleblower has captured headlines, and the global public’s attention for years.
RT takes a look back at the key moments in Assange’s career that remind us why the world owes him such a debt of gratitude.
The early years
In 2007, WikiLeaks published emails exposing the manuals for Camp Delta, a contro
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The Islamic Conquest of Christianity Gains Ground: Iconic Byzantine Christian church Hagia Sophia, to become a mosque!
Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia, originally a Byzantine Christian church, might be turned into a mosque again – a potential back-down from the legacy of Turkey’s secular government that turned the site into a museum in 1935.
“This is not unlikely,” President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said during a live interview with Turkish television on Monday, adding, “We might even change its name to Ayasofya Mosque.”
The Hagia Sophia became a museum under Turkey’s secularist government back in 1935, but “we may as well take a step and change that,” he said.
Erdogan hinted that the change in status would benefit tourists. “Tourists come and go at the Blue Mosque. Do they pay anything?” he asked, referring to another popular site in Istanbul. “Well, we will do the same with the Hagia Sofia.”
The Hagia Sophia was first built as a church by the Byzantine Empire in the 6th century and served as the main Orthodox Christian church. Following the conquest of Con
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The West Are Also Islam’s Useful Idiots: Iranian Who Fled Iran Says UK Becoming As Bad As Iran!
The West Are Useful Idiots For Muslims: Iranian who Fled Iran, Says UK is Becoming What He Fled From in Iran – Totalitarian Islam
Just like the Yasidi girl who fled Germany back to Iraq because her ISIS abuser had followed her to Germany, Elvis, who fled Iran to UK, feels like he is more in danger in UK than he was in the Islamic state if Iran!
Allah was always on the side of whatever Mohammed did, giving him licence for lechery, or was it Mohammed using Allah as an excuse and justification for his evil?
Apart from his child bride, Mohammed gave himself licence to have sex with anyone, even his daughter in law. His proclivity to killing women seems to be almost an execution of witnesses or victims…
When a middle aged women wrote something not flattering about him, he ordered her to be killed. She was tied between two camels and torn limb from limb…
Another women, Bint Marwahn was an educate
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The West Has Not Learnt From 9/11 – It Must Stop Buying Oil From Islamic Countries To Survive!
Having not learnt from 9/11 it seems USA and the West has not realised that there are no good guys in the Middle East to ally with, as proven by Trump standing with Saudi despite the Kashoggie murder.
There is no good guy in Islam, be it Sunny or Shia and the West has not learnt. It is like a mutiny on a Pirate ship – there are no good guys – that is just what Pirates do – constant mutinies.
Mosques are not like Churches, they serve judicial and military and cultural function aswell.
The West are the ones creating the disaster that we are witnessing. Money talks and BS walks – we have enriched the Muslims beyond belief. They take all that money as a sign that Allah is blessing them and that he is good for them and they use the money we give them to spread Islam and buy off our politicians and people.
A good example is Johns Hopkins Medical facility. They built the Sheik Syed Towers – A billion dol
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Theresa May wants to Hand NI over to The EU! We talk to a BRexiteer from Britain First about it
Time for Anglo Celtic Solidarity? Theresa May wants to Hand NI over to The EU – we talk to Brexiteer Andy Edge from Britain First about it.
It is unlikely parliament would ever pass such a ridiculous plan which will only serve to re-awaken 30 years of “troubles” yet every single political party seems to have sold out or been captured by the globalist money powers.
We also discuss Simon Harris who won’t give the unborn pain relief during abortion
The entire political establishment, biased media and left wing apologists are dead quiet about Islam and quietly allowing it to go ahead…
Wake up and start fighting back – we will need to make sacrifices… so that we can hand down the heritage we inherited to our children…
Telling it like it is….
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Unless We Discriminate Against ALL Criminals, Rapists and Murderers, Our Society is Dead.
The Irish EU Regime (FG/FF/SF) is Raping Irish Society With African and Asian Migrants Whilst Virtue Signalling Extreme Marxism…
The Police are incapable, unequipped and too scared of dealing with African Gangs in North Dublin. All are too scared of being labelled as a racist even if it has nothing to do with racism.
While the Irish EU regime (FG/FF/SF) have been closing police stations and importing dangerous third worlders hand over fist, before the deadline for them to be eligible to vote next year, forcibly inserting them directly into our communities. That is Rape.
Dublin is now Africa…
Meanwhile the Irish EU regime (FG/FF/SF) is too busy to deal with the problems their virtue signalling has created. They are busy sucking up to every and all diversion and perversion that you can think up…
Maybe we should home the African and Asian Migrants and LGBTxyz together? Both are pet projects
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Was Mohammed Possessed by the Devil? “I Became A Christian AFTER Reading The Quoran”
Ideology of Hate: Was Mohammed Possessed by the Devil? I Became A Christian AFTER Reading The Quoran
What made Mohammed a Pedophile, Misogynist, Homophobe, Anti-Semite, anti Christian, etc. etc.?
Why was he so angry? He never did any miracles or lead by example as Jesus did…
He constantly cursed Jesus, Jews, Christian and Women for whom he had a special hatred. He even hated Dogs and took pleasure out of abusing children, raping boys and girls under 14.
Alluha Akbar means Our God is Better Than Yours – Your god is weak because he did not save you…
Islam is constantly taunting God and his creation, just like the Devil would do…
The police are incapable, unequipped and too scared of dealing with Islam. All are too scared of being labelled as a racist even if it has nothing to do with racism.
Meanwhile the Irish EU regime (FG/FF/SF) is too busy to deal with the problems their virtue si
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Why We Should Boycott Amazon This Christmas, and all Multinationals for that matter
Why We Should Boycott Amazon This Christmas, and all Multinationals for that matter.
We are literally supporting our enemies when we support multinationals…
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“Islam’s Shame is Greater Than The Love For Their Own Daughters” – West Blindly Virtue Signalling Their Own Suicide
You have to be willingly blind to not see the total incompatibility between Islam and our Western Way of Life, or otherwise you are deliberately trying to destroy our way of life… which makes you a traitor.
Tonight on Gruesome Tuesday Allastriona cites examples of brutal horrendous cases of sex slavery, forced marriages, honour killings etc. where Muslim men own the virginity of their daughters, and can and do sell it. Where they kill their own daughters or sisters for becoming “too Westernised”.
Many Islamic women have safe houses in UK to protect them from Islam and its men and even from the entire Islamic community which will alert the family looking for them. Some have to be moved to another country or City like Dublin…
The entire political establishment, biased media and left wing apologists are dead quiet about Islam and quietly allowing it to go ahead…
Wake up and
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Will UN Migration Pact Trigger Global Chaos and WWIII? Elites Want To Be Our Gods!
Elites Fight God to Appoint Themselves as our gods with their own Degenerate Moral Code! Have Courage To Get Angry!
The Liberal World Order has been working for decades to take over our world and enslave humanity as their subjects, serfs and slaves.
The signing of the UN Global Migration Pact on 11 December will usher in this New World Order when UN will take over control of country’s borders! This will surely end in chaos as billions of humans will flood West, turning it into a 3rd world hellhole!
Immigration is The New Holodomor and Holocaust and another Irish Famine to Ethnically Cleanse and Disenfranchise The Irish and Europeans From Their Own Homeland, Heritage and Country!
The powers that be want to create a low wage mixed race European Federation and they have the power to do it – they own the banks, the media, the multinationals and governments.
At the highest level there is a war whe
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EU Rent Boy Leo, and The Irish Political Class Useful Idiots, Puffed Up With EU Bravado, Are Destroying Ireland
Shortsighted EU Rent Boy Leo Varadkar and the entire political establishment in Ireland is Puffed Up with false EU Bravado which will cost Ireland greatly in the coming years, while Sinn Fein even betrays their Republican Base.
Republican Sinn Fein has made a 180 degree turn and become EU Unionists pushing the marxist anti society agenda…
Leo Varadkar is not fit to be Prime Minister – his only task and interest is to deliver Ireland completely and finally to the EU and also play strawman for EU’s fight with UK so they can keep the NI border open to continue smuggling illegals into UK…
His partner in crime, Bono does not pay tax, owns multiple mansions in many countries, yet tells poor Irish to give up their country to 3rd worlders… How many migrants does Bono house?
As Merkel starts her exit, Macron who has been primed to take over lead in EU is having problems of his own. When the
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Hungary Understands The True Existential Threat Presented By UN & EU Sponsored Illegal Immigration
Only Hungary Understands The True Existential Threat Presented By UN Sponsored Mass Immigration To Europe.
Hungary has deployed 2,300 troops to defend the southern border from 70,000 illegals that have amassed there.
By contrast Sweden allows Illegal migrants to rape 10 year children because Muslims put no value on children and women.
The examples throughout Europe are too horrendous and too numerous to mention, yet the Liberal World order and their complicit mainstream propaganda pretends it is normal…
Apart from the constant rape of Europeans, which is NOT a crime to Muslims, 80% of Muslims migrants are on welfare, plundering the European financially too.
Merkel is finally stepping out but Germans and Europeans will be paying for her socialist largess and virtue signalling for generations and decades to come and certainly Germany and Europe will NEVER be the same again…
The killi
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Bono & Leo – Selling Kith, Kin and Country for EU Coin While The EU Crashes yet Ireland Has NO Plan B!
Bono & Leo – Selling Kith, Kin and Country for EU Coin While The EU Crashes and Socialist Ireland Has NO Plan B!
As Merkel starts her exit, hapless Macron who has been primed to take over lead in EU is having serious problems of his own. When the loss of UK hits EU and their budget, EU will get yet another knock to add to Italy ignoring EU dictates on their national Budget and Eastern Europe standing in Solidarity against enforced mass immigration.
Meanwhile EU and the Irish Regime are smuggling in as many Africans into UK over the non existent NI border, as many as 30 per night are being bussed from Dublin Airport…
Maggie Thatcher’s words and criticism of John Major signing the Maastricht Treaty are becoming true 30 years on…
The more you educate yourself about EU the more you learn it gives you no choice but to resist it…
Wake up and start fighting back – we will need to make
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