The Totalitarian Enemy Within: Why UK & Ireland Support ISIS Terrorists But Not IRA “Terrorists”

BRexit Poker Nerves – Is Theresa May Bluffing and What is At Stake If She Wins or Loses?

Under Treason May, BRexit Will Accelerate only non-EU Mass Immigration With A Muslim Home Secretary!

Allah Declared The Only God in New Zealand Parliament – Dail Also Being Destroyed From Within!

“Not Legally Binding” – When Voluntary Means Obligatory. How Establishment Betrays We The People

Is Multiculturalism or Islam or Socialism or the One World Order Destroying Our Nations & Culture?

Traitor Leo Alienating Historic Relations With UK & USA At Every Turn, Favouring Imperialist EU

Between The Upcoming Lisbon Treaty and The Hidden Hand Of Islam, Ireland Really is No More!

#BRexitBetrayal Tory & Labour Canvassers Spat At When Going Door to Door As UK Has Its Lisbon Moment

Brown chocolate is now racist according to “PC Quackers” Waitrose Stores! Pulls brown chocolate duck from shelves. #Boycott

Online scams, spamming & fraud OK, thought crimes bad – UK’s proposed internet law to prevent Red Pilling…

#IslamicApologism Christian Persecution on the Rise, Yet World Watch List 2019 Shields Main Culprits

If Everyone Is Irish, Then No One Is Irish – How Multiculturalism and Globalism Destroys Diversity!

Traitor Leo Taunting UK Again While Italy, Poland and Hungary form Alliance Against Supremacist EU

Globalism is Cancer Feeding Off Our countries, Enabling Islam & Socialism to Enforce Totalitarianism