A farmer was murdered in the Fochville-area earlier today. Vehicles of emergency services personnel and neighbours, who arrived at the scene shortly after the incident. A farmer was murdered in the Fochville-area earlier today. As far as could be determined, two men attacked Mr Willie Barnard of the farm Jagersbosch at about 12:00 today. Neighbours..
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#FARMMURDER: Another Farmer Murdered In Fochville Area
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Man Shot-And-Killed In Alleged Home Invasion – Deneysville
A man, believed to be in his 60s, was killed early this morning when he was shot during an alleged home invasion in the Deneysville area. ER24 paramedics were called to the scene by the local CPF members, arriving at 92h57. On scene, paramedics were lead into the bedroom of the residence where they found..
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#BlackMonday Another #FarmMurder Of An Elderly (70’s)Farmer In Gluckstadt, Community Exacts Its Justice
Today, while the nation came together to protest against farm murders, and South Africans, dressed in black, took to social media to show their support, Mr Potgieter was brutally attacked and killed on his farm in Gluckstad – just outside Vryheid. The man who robbed and killed Bokkie Potgieter on a farm in Gluckstad just..
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Gewapende Roof – Rower Doodgeskiet – Vanderbijlpark
Om in die oggend-ure wakker gemaak te word deur rowers is vir enige gesin ‘n nagmerrie in ons huidige samelewing maar as mens voorbereid is om jouself en jou gesin te beskerm, maak dit jou wil op oorlewing soveel groter. ‘n Egpaar wat op 27 Oktober, hul eerste aand in hul nuwe huurhuis in Pattersonstraat,..
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Elderly Couple Brutally Attacked In Hazyview
He was badly beaten with a rolling pin made of marble. Attie van Tonder. An elderly couple from Hazyview was left traumatised and injured when two suspects attacked them in their home this morning. It is alleged that two young men entered the couple’s home after which they were caught in the act. “My mother..
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Open Letter To Zuma -Your Vision For This Once Beautiful Country Is A Huge Fat “For Sale” Sign!
Good day Mr President! Firstly, I know you’re a fucktard, so lets cut the pleasantries and get down to business! This Country is my Country – one that my forefathers built with pride and dignity – something every moral fibre in your being is devoid of! In 1994, I voted for change, the change that..
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Black Community Members March Against Slaughter Of White Farmers
The community members of Zwathi, which falls under Ward 4 of AbaQulusi Municipality took to Gluckstadt Police Station to voice their concerns over the rising crime rate in the area. Picture: Vryheid Herald In northern KwaZulu-Natal, community members say brutal farm attacks are robbing people of their livelihoods. Following the brutal murders of Billy Van Rooyen..
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#FARMATTACK: Stabbed 20 Times. Plastic Bag Pulled Over His Head, Hand And Feet Bounded – Survives
URGENT — #FARMATTACK — WANTED NOTICE FOR THE FOUR THUGS THAT ATTACKED WILHELM VAN DER MERWE IN KOUE BOKKEVELD, WESTERN CAPE: Here are the Attackers who nearly killed Mr Van Der Merwe in Koue Bokkeveld, Western Cape. Prince Alfred Hamlet: The following four thugs are wanted in connection with a Farm Attack. Photos of four the..
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