A Bottle Of Petrol And The Death Of Hope in ANC’s anti-white abomiNation – Destitute White Woman Sets Herself on Fire!

Time to wake up South Africa!! – Slow War against whites in South Africa

Boer Political Prisoners go to Constitutional Court claiming illegal incarceration and denial of right to appeal

Eventually they woke up in the Netherlands – Now how about the rest of the world ?

Since 1994 there has been over 400 000 people murdered in South Africa, our so called Rainbow Nation !!!

Imminent, Unstoppable South African Genocide – Why Dismantling Apartheid caused the Genocide of Black and White South Africans

Lindiwe Sisulu’s court bid will help reverse effects of apartheid.

Zuma’s plan to boost the economy is just BEE on steriods

Three suspects arrested for farm murders

Another Farmer attacked on farm – Wepener district

“Stress is a ‘white man’s disease” comment got Zuma in hot water.

Enough is Enough: Stop White Genocide Now

What Comes After The ANC? Revisiting Our Vision Of Tomorrow

White people who own land in SA – bought it or negotiated for it !!

No Protests Please; We Are Afrikaners