Emboldened after Dutch Elections, Turkey Declares Racewar on EU, threatening flood of migrants, urging Turks to Breed in Europe!

Coerced Political Correctness Wins Dutch Election, Scatters Castigated Voters in All PC Directions

Dutch Voters ARE Scared! “What use is a good economy if your country becomes an Islamic State?”

#PatriotSpring – Geert Wilders exposes Fascist Left BBC Libtard with logic, reason and common sense.

“Normal” for Supremacist Mark Rutte: Totalitarianism, Rape, Genocide, Assimilation, Treason, Open Borders, Mass Migration, Islamization, Lies and Deceit?

EU Slayer 2017 – Will Netherlands, France or Germany Save Europe from the Supremacist Genocidal EU? #EUslayer

Globalist Google Steals $3.6 Billion from poor and needy society by avoiding its tax duties

Dutch Liberal Traitors Make Meme Come True! Dutch Informer Agency Against Internet Hate Speech Exposed