Having not learnt from 9/11 it seems USA and the West has not realised that there are no good guys in the Middle East to ally with, as proven by Trump standing with Saudi despite the Kashoggie murder.
There is no good guy in Islam, be it Sunny or Shia and the West has not learnt. It is like a mutiny on a Pirate ship – there are no good guys – that is just what Pirates do – constant mutinies.
Mosques are not like Churches, they serve judicial and military and cultural function aswell.
The West are the ones creating the disaster that we are witnessing. Money talks and BS walks – we have enriched the Muslims beyond belief. They take all that money as a sign that Allah is blessing them and that he is good for them and they use the money we give them to spread Islam and buy off our politicians and people.
A good example is Johns Hopkins Medical facility. They built the Sheik Syed Towers – A billion dol
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