Irish Leader Leo Defending ISIS? Even Muslim Council in Ireland Says Citizenship of Irish Islamists Should be Revoked!

UK Media Blackout on the Continuing Rape of British Children by Muslim Rape Gangs

Facebook Protects Islamic Extremists – Suspends ex Muslim for Criticising Jihadists!

Arrogant Muslim Rapist Claps To Jury After Muslim Rape Gang Members Found Guilty of Rape and Grooming Oxford Schoolgirl!

While Italy and Hungary Reward Families, Ireland’s Death Cult Attacks Families and Family Values

Women Who Have Survived The Institutional Abuse and Enslavement Islam Imposes on Them!

BRexit and IRexit Will Happen Because the EU is collapsing – Time for Plan B!

Women’s non-Life Under Islam – How Islam Oppresses Women In All Spheres of Life

Koran says Muslims Should Convert to Christianity and Jesus is a Greater Prophet Than Mohammed

3 Books Muslims Follow Instruct Them to Indoctrinate and Assimilate non-Muslims and Their Countries!

Interview with Paul Golding and Paul Rimmer from Britain First

Bacha Boys – The Gay Pederasty and Sex Slavery Practiced by Muslims in Afghanistan

Ireland, Becoming Communist in Everything but Name – Globalist Totalitarian Supremacy is Here!

Wahhabism in Ireland. What and where and why its foothold is dangerous to Irish people and culture

NSFW – The Immoral Islamic Practice of “Thighing” That Islamic Apologists Ignore and Allow