#UNexit UN, EU Plan 10 Million Illegals A Year To Europe After UN Migration Pact is Signed!

RTE, BBC & Mainstream Media Journalists Trained On What Words To Use To Push Left Wing Propaganda

If Everyone Is Irish, Then No One Is Irish – How Multiculturalism is Uni-Culture and Globalism Destroys Diversity!

Your Red Pill: EU Nazis ARE taking our countries now! Share this with any EU Apologist! 

Syria NEEDS its “refugees” back! War in Syria is over! #HelpThemBackHome

Why UN Global Migration Pact Will Trigger Chaos and WWIII! Please Sign Petition:

Will UN Migration Pact Trigger Global Chaos and WWIII? Elites Want To Be Our Gods! 

Why We Should Boycott Amazon This Christmas, and all Multinationals for that matter

The West Has Not Learnt From 9/11 – It Must Stop Buying Oil From Islamic Countries To Survive! 

Muslims Will Turn The Dáil Into Public Toilets and Behead It’s Occupants, Like They Did In Iran!

EU Army is to Control and Fight Independence Minded Indigenous Europeans, Not Russia! 

Secret Islamification of United Nations led to Invasion of the West and UN Migration Pact! 

Will A Post UN Migration Pact Irish Province of EU Be A Globalist Hellhole or Utopian Fantasy? 

Ben Gilroy, a Yellow Vest Leader and Anti Eviction Activist Jailed for 3 Months at Mountjoy!