If you think an Isis Bride pretending to be sorry whilst naming her son after a Jihadi fighter, is telling the truth, then a family saying they joined ISIS by accident must seriously test your intelligence…
Just how stupid are Europeans?
The Irish government is verging on anti semitism as it singles out Israel for boycotts, yet it never mentions human rights abuses by all the middle east countries…
Just how stupid are we?
UK is one step away from getting a Muslim Prime Minister meanwhile Islam works at increasing their numbers, Even Qaddafi admitted that Islam does not need to invade Europe, it will become Islamic simply through assimilation and numbers…
Islam is only the religion of peace because they are in the minority…
The Garda are incapable, unequipped and too scared of dealing with Islam. All are too scared of being labelled as a racist even if it has nothing to do with racis
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