#Dirkiesdorp’s “Zimbabwe Narrative”! Gupta Style Indian Mining Group Atha Africa Assisted & Incited Blacks To Protest Violently Against Farmers!

VIDEO: How Kyoto Accord & Paris Agreement INCREASED CO2 Emissions by Giving China & India a Free Pass!

VIDEO: “Socialists Are Selfish & Cowardly Communists!” Destroy Them Or They Will Destroy Us & Our Civilisation!

VIDEO: #TakeTheKneeForIslam “We Muslims are the New Black People of America!” – Blacks Get Brainwashed Into Attacking Whites for Islam’s Jihad!

India Gets Dodgy PPE Gear Too! China Putting Lives at Risk as it “Donates” Faulty Medical Gear To Cover up its #CCPVirus Guilt!

Global Warming Blamed for New Killer, Antibiotic-Resistant Bug. But What If Global Warming Is Wrong? How The Global Warming Scam Leads Scientists Astray and Could Kill Millions!

“Islam Taking Over Streets is Wrong” – Indian Lawmaker. Can we park cars in Mosques if Muslims can pray in our streets?

“Losing Your Child Is The Worst Red Pill Ever!” UK Gov Hiding Islamic Attacks and Putting Impact on Attackers and Their Rights Above The Victim’s!

How Many Trade Deals Has Hesitant PM May Lost to France by Walking BRexit Backwards?

Dear PM May, Why Can France Sign Bilateral Agreements OUTSIDE The EU, But Not A BRexit Bound UK?

Irish Occupation Regime Paid Journalists to Promote €116 BILLION Plan to Import 1 MILLION Migrants into Ireland!

What’s Wrong with Brits? Too Lazy? Too Stupid? Too White? UK Gov to import and train 5,500 Nurses from India and Africa!

Indian Slavetrade, Conquest or Imperialism? India blackmails UK demanding UK accept more Indian migrants or lose post BRexit trade deal!