1,000,000 British Children Raped by Muslim Men! This is Institutional Ethnic Cleansing because it is ONLY muslims doing it to ONLY white children!

Draft Italian Law to Stop Traitorous Charity NGOs signalling human traffickers to launch migrant boats using flares and phones!

The Fight to “Defend Europe” just got real! We now have a ship in the Med – Support it’s mission to check on traitorous NGOs

Bill Gates: “Stop being generous to refugees and make it difficult for them to reach Europe” #HelpThemBackHome

It’s True! A second Hitler’s plan to conquer all Europe is being enforced by the EU and UN! – The weapon is enforced racemixing by importing 159,000,000 migrants!

Poland exposes how EU uses “discrimination” to attack national sovereignty, even on land ownership, which created property bubbles

Will Trump’s visit to Poland split EU in two? 400 Year Old Eastern European Union (Intermarium) versus 40 Year Old Western European Union

Still no government in Netherlands, but does Occupied Netherlands even need a government under EU rule?

Political Correctness is THE AIDS OF THE WEST – Deliberate Infection with a Fatal Intolerance Parasite called Cultural Marxism!

Sorry Africa, Ancient Egyptians were NOT Africans! DNA proves they were from Europe and Middle East!

Doctors Without Borders and other NGOs under investigation for collusion with Human Traffickers in The Med

Slanderers and Usurers steal French Election. Will FN name change be enough, or is Patriotism just an English thing?

Traitorous Migrant “Rescue” NGOs 100% in Cahoots with Human Traffickers & Smugglers – Italian Minister

Study with babies proves Racism is NOT bias, it is natural built in preference!

Calais style Jungle Migrant Camp coming to Ireland with its Soft UK border, traitorous NGOs and Politicians