Canada To Get 1 Million More Third World Migrants

Study with babies proves Racism is NOT bias, it is natural built in preference!

LIBERALISM WILL CREATE ANOTHER HITLER, AGAIN! How to recognise who will make another Holocaust or Holodomor

“RefugeesWelcome” Are Slavetraders Who Are Committing a Massive Crime Against Humanity, AGAIN!

EU (not Europe) becomes a liability to USA as Dutch lose easy access to US passport control in Amsterdam

Modern SLAVERY & Colonisation – Millions of Able Bodied African Men Groomed & Kidnapped Off African Coast

Warmonger Obama’s Last Stand: non existent “election hacking by Russia” used to expel 35 Russian officials from US

Traitorous Obama Rushes Through Migrant Arrivals ahead of Trump Inauguration

How many Atheists have given or received Christmas gifts today? Merry Christmas for the year 12,016!


Abolish UN Human Rights Council Now! UNHCR is a Dictator’s Club with a God Complex

Liberals and Democrats are the new Nazis! Yet another Trump supporting student beaten!

Trump and BRexit leaves World Supremacists Obama, Merkel, Hollande and EU panicking on the wrong side of History

World Supremacist E.U. and Trudeau force CETA through and ignore democracy. #NOmeansNO

World Supremacist George Soros is betting $500 Million that White People are the Stupidest People on Earth!